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    • “调控”用英语咋说?

      Janice takes medicine to help regulate her blood pressure.


      Let's look closer at the verb regulate. R-E-G-U-L-A-T-E.

      Regulate means to control.Janice needs to take medicine to control her blood pressure.

      Another example is in countries regulate who comes in and out of the country. So, they control through visas who comes in and out of the country.

      Here, let us look at some example sentence: 
      Example 1: 

      Only referees are allowed to regulate professional games.

      Example 2: 

      Because of my allergies, I use a dehumidifier to regulate the humidity level in my apartment.

      Example 3: 

      Eat plenty of fiber each day to regulate the flow of food through your digestive system.

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